Terms of Service

Terms and Conditions

This website and any sub-sites hereof (together the “Site”), is published and maintained by Expert Group bvba. – together referred to as “Expert Group bvba” – as a service to its visitors.

Expert Group bvba may at any time change the terms and conditions herein (the “Terms and Conditions”). You should therefore read these Terms and Conditions each time you visit the Site. By using the Site you agree to the Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, please do not use the Site.

Expert Group bvba does not warrant that the access to or use of the Site will be uninterrupted or error free. Expert Group bvba may on its own absolute discretion at any time and without notice suspend or discontinue the operation of the Site or remove, change or add Content (as defined below).

You must not try to log in to non-public parts of the Site unless you are a validly registered user and have received a valid password from Expert Group bvba.

Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights to all information and materials (including but not limited to images, software, text, articles, graphics, pictures, sounds, solutions, metatags, trademarks and other marks, logotypes as well as the Site’s general “look and feel”) (together the “Content”), contained in the Site are owned by Expert Group bvba or its licensors. All Content is protected under national law and international treaties.

Under no circumstances do you acquire any ownership to any part of the Site or the Content. You only acquire a limited, revocable and non-exclusive right to use the Site and the Content as explicitly described in these Terms and Conditions. Without limitation, you are not allowed to manipulate or in any other way change the Site or the Content.

You may not remove, change or add any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right notices contained on the Site, in the Content or a printed Site page as allowed below. Neither may you copy or in any other manner reproduce Content.

Allowed use of the Site and the Content

You may use the Site and the Content for non-commercial personal purposes and only in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and applicable law. For those purposes you may also print a copy of any page of the Site. You are not allowed to use the Site or any Content for any purpose except for those explicitly described in the previous paragraph or elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions. Any use of the Site or the Content (or printed copies thereof) contradictory to these Terms and Conditions may violate Expert Group bvba or its licensors’ rights and legal actions may be taken against you to protect those rights.

Information on the Site

You must not treat information on the Site as comprehensive. Any forward-looking statements made on the Site are based on our best judgment but are subject to a number of uncertainties as well as events beyond Expert Group bvba his control. You use the information on your own risk and Expert Group bvba requests you never to rely on the information (or any part thereof) without first taking appropriate professional advice.

Information you send to Expert Group bvba

If you send information or materials to the Site by any means or in any way, all such information or material will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, unless otherwise clearly indicated. Expert Group bvba may without compensating you in any manner, use such information and material for its own or third parties’ purposes.

Privacy policy and use of cookies

The terms of Expert Group bvba’s Privacy Policy and use of cookies are hereby incorporated in and made an integral part of, these Terms and Conditions. You agree to the use of personal information and cookies by Expert Group bvba or third parties in accordance with the terms of and for the purposes set forth in, Expert Group bvba’s Privacy Policy and terms for use of cookies.

Links to other websites

The Site may contain links to third parties’ websites. The links are included for your convenience only. Expert Group bvba does not monitor such websites and assumes no liability whatsoever for the content or opinions expressed on those websites. You access and use any linked website on your own risk.

Viruses and harmful code

Expert Group bvba assumes no liability whatsoever for damage to or loss of hardware, software or information caused by you downloading Content (and software in particular) from the Site. You must ensure that your computer is adequately protected against computer viruses and harmful code at all times.


You agree to indemnify and keep Expert Group bvba, its officers, employees, agents and shareholders harmless from any liability, loss, claim and expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees), arising from your use of the Site, the Content or breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Limited liability

You use the site and the content on your own risk. Expert Group bvba does not assume any liability whatsoever for any consequences arising from your use of the site or the content. Expert Group bvba does not make any expressed or implied representations or warranties of any kind and, to the fullest extent permissible by law, disclaims any liability whatsover for (1) the accuracy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement, of any content published on or made available through the site and (2) for any virsuses or harmfull components or softward code that may cause damage to your hardware, software or data as a consequence of your use – in any way or manner – of the site or the conent. All information on the site is provided with all faults and the entire risk as to the quality and accuracy of the information is with you as the user.

Expert Group bvba shall under no circumstances whatsoever, including but not limited to Expert Group bvba’s negligence, be liable for loss of sales, profits or revenues, loss of goodwill, loss of data or any other direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, exemplary, punitive or special damages caused to you or any third party from the use of (or inability to use) the Site or the Content, even if Expert Group bvba has been advised of the risk for such damages.

Expert Group bvba’s total liability to you shall under no circumstances whatsoever exceed 500,- EURO.

General and governing law

These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Expert Group bvba regarding your use of the Site and the Content. Expert Group bvba’s failure at any time to require performance of any provision hereof shall neither be interpreted as a waiver of the provision in question nor prevent Expert Group bvba to require such performance at any time thereafter. If any provision of the Terms and Conditions should be found invalid or unenforceable, it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision herein. Any invalid or unenforceable provision shall be substituted with provisions, which are in their legal and commercial content, the most similar to the invalid or unenforceable provision. Any cause of action shall be commenced within one (1) year after the claim arises, or be forever waived.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Belgium. You consent to the jurisdiction of the Belgian courts.