Facebook ad campaigns for lead generation

Facebook is very powerful when it comes to lead generation. One of the most recent ad types that has been added, is “Lead Generation”:


Expert Group is experienced in lead generation and has been successfully generated thousands of leads for dozens of companies worldwide.

Why are we so successful?

  • We come up with the best angles. This is what makes or breaks a Lead Generation campaign
  • Our targeting experience is superior. Without targeting the right audience, no leads
  • Split testing. No need to create one ad, we create 20 ads for each unique ad set!


Our unique ‘bulk ad creator’ enables us to detect the winning image and headline combination fast, without losing thousands of dollars first.

Expert Group goes the extra mile

While other people only use lead ads to get email optins, we go the extra mile! Or unique “funnel” consists of a a pre-written email sequence that will try to convince them to become a customer. This email sequence automatically gets started, as soon as they left their email address.

The result? Conversions went up with 50%!

Interested in working with us? Get in touch!