Content marketing done right

Did you know that each minute … Facebook users share nearly 2.5 million pieces of content… Twitter users tweet nearly 300,000 times… Email users send over 200 million messages?

Content overload

Google processes 20 petabytes of information per day. Using the same comparison from the Cost of Content Clutter infographic, think of it this way—all of the written works of mankind created since the beginning of recorded history in all languages equals 50 petabytes of information. So the most important question when creating content is: how will you stand out from the crowd?

Image: Erik Fitzpatrick licensed CC BY 2.0

Expert Group manages over 32 popular content websites worldwide

We now what it takes to make a content website successful. With over 32 popular content websites, we did a lot of research to make sure that our content ranks well in Google and is compelling enough for people to share it through social media. This is how we do content marketing, the Expert way.

1) Find content that is worth linking and sharing

Google is doing a good job in ranking great content. We check the search results and analyse which pieces of content rank well on high volume keywords related to our advertisers. Then we count words to see how difficult it will be to outrank these competitors with our content.


Here, the average word count is 350 words. This should be an easy job

2) Analyse what they are writing about

So these websites are ranking well in Google. Now let’s analyse what they are talking about. We document this in a spreadsheet.


3) Find what is not yet being talked about.

By doing some research with Google Suggest, we come up with several content subjects that have not been written about. In our example, we see a lot of suggestions about the “price” of insulation, but that info is not to be found in the top 10:


4) Write better content!

Ok, so we now that our competitors have an average article of 350 words. Now our skilled copywriters are going to create a huge article (between 500 and 1500 words) combining all the different subjects (types of insulation, applications, technical details AND price information) together in one masterpiece.

5) Outreach

Writing one great article is not enough, unless your website has great authority in Google. With newer sites in our portfolio, we have to do outreach to make sure the article gets in the top 10 search results. By detecting which backlinks our competitors have, it is easy to replicate these links for our better content as well.


Detect which links our competitors have is easy, with one of the tools above!

Want more information about how we create and manage high quality content? Get in touch!